Goodbye My Friend
It is amazing to me how attached we can get to things like a curling iron. I had my curling iron for 11 + years. I got it at my first day of hair school all those years ago. 11 years for a curling iron life is a pretty dang long time if you ask me. I was used to it, I knew all its quirks and then one day it just stopped working. All of the times that we had together flashed before my eyes... the first time I burned myself using it, all the times I would pray silently that I wouldn't burn my client. Which I can proudly say never happened! Hallelujah.
Dramatic much? Yeah, maybe a little. Change is hard OKAY! Since I typically just wrap my hair and used it as a wand I decided that this time I would get a wand instead of a curling iron. I ended up getting a L'ange wand. I luckily came across some random promo code and got a killer deal on it.
No, this is not an ad. This is an honest review of a product. The particular one that I got does not have a temperature control. It is one temperature that according to their tests is the optimal heat for the best curl and the least amount damage. I was totally skeptical I'll admit. But, I have absolutely loved it. I get compliments on my curls all the time. My hair isn't the healthiest and I don't feel like it has been more damaged as a result of this curling iron.
Now lets talk about the products I like to use when I style my hair. When I HAVE to blow-dry my hair I always use Speed of Light from Aveda. I hate to blow-dry my hair and this really speeds up the process and protects my hair in the mean time. Along with Speed of Light I will spray some Pure Abundance Style prep in the crown area. This gives me some light weight volume without making my hair greasy. After I've blow-dried it and curled it I will typically use Be Curly Curl enhancer. This helps define my curls. It is light weight and smells amazing. Day 2, 3 and lets be honest 4 dry shampoo is a girls best friend. Shampure dry shampoo from Aveda is the absolute best. There is nothing better. I love that it is a powder not an aerosol. It really makes a difference in the way your hair feels after you use it and the smell is divine. On occasion I will used Texture Tonic from Aveda. I love to use this when I want more of a beach wave look. I chose to feature Aveda products because they are honestly what I choose to use. They are my favorite. Thanks for stopping by!